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In-text Citation (APA)

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, you should

  • understand the differences between a direct quotation and a paraphrase
  • know how to cite a source within the text
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Task 1 – Citing in different ways

In academic writing, we have to use different sources to support our argument and there are different ways to do so. The box below presents details of a source. We are going to show you different ways to use this source:

Original Source:
There are no previously published studies in Saudi Arabia to compare or to analyze factors used in admission criteria.

Article title: Association between scores in high school, aptitude and achievement exams and early performance in health science college
Author: Al-Alwan


Example 1 – Paraphrasing:
If you just want to use the idea of this source, you will need to paraphrase

According to Al-Alwan (2009), no related research had been previously published in Saudi Arabia.


We use the phrase, “according to” to show that the following claim is a paraphrase of a source. The highlighted part is the in-text citation.

Example 2 – quoting a sentence / paragraph:
If you find the original words in the source useful, you may quote the entire sentence or even the entire paragraph.

Quoting a sentence / phrase:

“There are no previously published studies in Saudi Arabia to compare or to analyze factors used in admission criteria.” (Al-Alwan, 2009).

Al-Alwan (2009) notes that “there are no previously published studies in Saudi Arabia to compare or to analyze factors used in admission criteria.” (Discussion, para. 1)


A large amount of text (more than 40 words) is called a ‘block quote’

When Al-Alwan (2009) discussed his own study, he noted: 
There are no previously published studies in Saudi Arabia to compare or to analyze factors used in admission criteria, with the progress of selected students in health sciences colleges. The aim of this study was to evaluate the co­rrelation between admission criteria used and early performance of selected students in health sciences colleges. (Discussion, para. 1)

The highlighted part is the in-text citation. We should indent the block quote five spaces or half an inch.

In short, there are 2 types of citation: a paraphrase and a quotation. For a quotation, we can quote a sentence or quote paragraph, depending on our needs. However, we cite them differently.

Task 1

Try to complete the following table by dragging and dropping the excerpts below:


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